Setting Up a New Mac
This a guide on setting up a new Mac for a Design Engineer. My name is Bridger Tower and I am a software designer and developer. I use Typescript and React to design and develop products.
General Settings
Initial Setup
- Check for system upgrade. To do that go: Apple menu () > About This Mac > Software Update.
- Remove all Icons from the Dock by dragging them to the Trash icon
Appearance Settings
- Set appearance to dark mode
- Set accent color to graphite
Control Center
- Modules
- Other Modules
- Menu Bar Only
Users & Groups
- Login Options → Change fast user switching menu as Icon
- Set up Password, Apple ID, Picture, etc.
- Point & Click
- Enable Tap to click with one finger
- Change Secondary click to Right corner
- Uncheck Three Finger Drag
- Scroll & Zoom
- Uncheck all apart from Zoom in and out
- Visual Settings
- Change position to Left and make the size of icons Small
- Other settings
- Remove workspace auto-switching by running the following command:
1defaults write workspaces-auto-swoosh -bool NO2killall Dock # Restart the Dock process
Control Center
- Use Raycast. See Below.
- Add an iCloud account and sync Calendar, Find my Mac, Contacts etc.
User Defaults
- Enable repeating keys by pressing and holding down keys:
defaults write NSGlobalDomain ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
(and restart any app that you need to repeat keys in) - Change the default folder for screenshots
- Open the terminal and create the folder where you would like to store your screenshots:
mkdir -p /path/to/screenshots/
- Then run the following command:
defaults write location /path/to/screenshots/ && killall SystemUIServer
- Open the terminal and create the folder where you would like to store your screenshots:
Finder Settings
- Finder settings > General > New finder window shows home folder
- Finder settings > Sidebar > Add home folder to sidebar, remove airdrop and tags
- Finder settings > Advanced > While performing a search > search current folder
- View > Show path bar
- View > Show Status bar
- Folders as columns
Applications and Software
First Installations
1/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
- Install Warp as default terminal →
brew install warp
- Minimal window theme, Dark Pastel color scheme, font size 16
- Install Raycast as default spotlight search →
brew install raycast
- Replace default spotlight keyboard shortcut to use raycast
- Install Node, NPM, NPX, etc. →
brew install node
Coding and Development
- Script to run
1brew install gh visual-studio-code dbngin cursor zed herd local
- Github CLI → To manage GitHub code locally and on the server
- run
gh auth login
to get started - Set
alias to havegit send
- run
1git config --global alias.send '!f() { git add . && git commit -m "${1:-wip}" && git push; }; f'
- Cursor → AI focused code editor
- Login with Github to use settings sync
- Zed → Light weight collaborative code editor
- Herd → PHP, Laravel, management
- Open Herd to set up
- Linear → Development Project management
- Local → Wordpress Development
- Install Rosetta to use this
- Anaconda → Python Development (Install here)
Notes, Todos, and Calendar
- Script to run
1brew install notion todoist amie
- Notion → Notes and Docs
- Notion Calendar → Multi-Calendar Management
- Bear → Notes and Docs
- Craft Docs → Notes and Docs
- Todoist → Todo List
= Install on the Apple App Store
Other Software
- Script to run
1brew install spotify figma adobe-creative-cloud slack discord maccy raindropio
- Spotify → Music
- Figma → Design Software
- Creative Cloud → Design Software
- Slack → Messaging
- Discord → Messaging
- Maccy → Clipboard Manager
Setting up a New Mac
To Begin
- Name the user folder
- Set up iCloud
- Update MacOS to latest version
- Remove Apps from Dock
- Install Homebrew
- Install Warp
Set up Terminal
- Use zsh
- Set up aliases
- Theme Typewritten
- Color scheme Flexoki
Software to Install via Brew
- Warp
- Node
- Git
- gh
- conda
- pnpm
- Rectangle
- Maccy
- Raycast
- Figma
- Spotify
- Cursor
- Zed
- nvim
- Notion
- Chrome
- Firefox Developer Edition
- Setapp
- Notion Calendar
- Slack
- Discord
- Docker
- Linear
- Zoom
Software to install via App Store
- Craft
- Cyberduck
- Things